ANBI en beloningsbeleid
Stichting ChunriChoupaal wordt door de belasting aangemerkt als een ANBI instelling. Via het
RSIN nummer 852950718 kunt u ons opzoeken in het ANBI-register.
Het beloningsbeleid
De bestuursleden van Stichting ChunriChoupaal ontvangen geen beloning. Onkosten voor het werven van gelden kunnen wel vergoed worden.
About us
The Code To Change is a diversity and Inclusion organization, working to connect high potential employees with leaders in the technology world. The Code To Change is committed to achieving gender equality, decent work, economic growth & reduced inequalities (UN Sustainable Development Goals 5, 8 & 10), and the economic empowerment of women via digital inclusion.
The main goals of the organization are:
- Stimulating the social and economic emancipation and independence of girls and women.
- Executing additional tasks, which are primarily and in its broadest sense related, and beneficial to the organization’s first goal.
- Creating and maintaining (computer)courses and training;
- Creating and maintaining accommodations and venues in which above mentioned courses and training can be provided.